Why it matters...
When the ancient Egyptian mystics and far eastern wise men sought the path to success, power, and unity with God and man, they reached for a goal that though powerful, was not yet perfected.
When the Ancient Greek Philosophers and wisdom seekers pursued this goal, the word used for “the way” was Hodos, yet the confusion of it was seen at Mars hill, and more so, all over the world.
When Jesus Christ said “I am the way, the truth and the life” the word used there was Hodos-
Yet it was the confusion of religion that hid this way from us.
It was even hidden from many who saw it in Jesus himself.
Since the beginning of time all forms of thought have pursued this life.
Some to escape the religion of their day, and others to seek after a new one.
The site you are on is dedicated to the compilation of that pursuit.
It is to direct us to the way, truth and life… Hodos.
It is to lead us back to the path of perfection.
The way to be all that you were meant to be… without limits, fear, or compromise.
There is a way that is right and true.
We are created for it, and made for it.
Scripture gives us a promise.
“If you seek it, you will find it”
Our creator is seeking us out
and drawing us to it.
So, we encourage you to seek it as well.
Truth is a treasure. Wisdom calls us to seek truth and experience it in the whole of life.
So, we will share aspects of beliefs through all time, that have sought after truth.
Not that “all roads lead to God”.
or man develops or creates truth for himself.
Rather, that there is a true path that all movements through all time have sought.
Most of which have missed it
either wholly or in part.
But we were created for it
and are drawn to finding it.
It is the goal of this site that you will have the tools needed to do so.
His word is truth,
and in it you will find your path.
So, clear out tradition and manmade thought and be ready to search out the glory that God gives.
Understand that finally you can attain the way to the life you were created to live.
And open your mind to a new way…
Which has been the one true path all along.
Let the journey begin.
New Thought
It is important to understand that the New Thought movement, the NLP practices, the Law of Attraction, and other new ideas are not methods to attain salvation, or to find redemption from sin.
They are efforts to empower people to deal properly with one another and to attain to the success and power that mankind was created for.
Jesus states in Matthew 5:43-45
"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'
But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.
He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
The two great commands of God are to love him and to love your neighbor.
God is good. His truth therefore benefits all mankind if we would seek it.
This is separate and apart from salvation. Truth is true no matter if you are in a place of worship, or under a tree. It is a gift from God and sustained by him alone.
These movements seek to help us understand some of these truths, and the way that God, his creation, the system of things and all thought have been set apart for our benefit.
No matter if it is a thought movement, religion, or belief system, we are called to examine it and see in practice if it is true, rational, and beneficial. Although these movements are not methods of salvation and are not the whole of truth which is available on the one true path,
Many of their teachings mirror the truth that is found on this path
and can even help us in understanding portions of this truth.
Asking, seeking, and receiving…
Our ability to share in the divine nature…
The power of good,
and the benefit of gratitude…
The need to share, and love,
and offer good will….
The power of belief, truth, faith,
and positive thought….
All things working for our good, and the inevitability of these things to come about…
These concepts are not unique to
New Thought.
They are all found in Scripture and are foundational truths of the one true path (HODOS)
One must ask…
With the power of some of these movements and the benefits they give…
Why would an individual not desire to seek out the whole path?
Why limit yourself to benefits given to the righteous and unrighteous?
Why not seek to also be righteous?