Robert Collier
One of the fathers of the New Thought Movement, his writings have been powerful and beneficial for generations.

Robert Collier was born in St. Louis Missouri in 1885.
His inspirational books have changed the lives of thousands. He strongly believed that happiness and abundance were within easy reach. Much of his writing gives a new look at the meaning of Scripture in practical terms in the lives of people willing to apply them. His predictions of what could be possible are shockingly relevant and powerful.
Robert was educated in a church seminar school and was expected to become a priest, but before taking his vows, headed for West Virginia to seek his fortune working as a mining engineer. After eight years in West Virginia, he went to New York City and worked in the advertising department of the Collier Publishing Company.
A vast majority of his writing comes from Scripture and is based on Spiritual principles. Due to himself being healed from a seemingly undiagnosable illness through faith, he became interested in health products and felt that 98% of our illnesses came from chemically treated, denatured foods. From this illness came the desire to investigate how it was that the mind could cure a trouble that doctors had been working on for months. His belief was that there were powers in the Mind he had never even suspected; and if it had dominion over his physical self, why could it not cure business problems too? He developed ideas in sales, persuading the top men to test them in new circulars he wrote. The results were fantastic.
He then studied hundreds of books and courses on everything relating to New Thought metaphysics and delved into the deepest mysteries of the Masters. These led to his writing of a set of books on practical psychology. He wrote about the practical psychology of abundance, desire, faith, visualization, confident action, and personal development.
Within six months after the books were published, he received more than one million dollars worth of orders for them. The books were entitled, The Secret of the Ages. He sold over 300,000 sets of them. The results cited by his readers were stunning. He received thousands of letters telling of results obtained from reading these books.
This brought him to write four more courses, which he sold separately as, The God in You, The Secret Power, The Magic Word, and The Law of the Higher Potential. He later combined these four into one book and named it, Riches Within Your Reach. He also condensed the seven volumes of The Secret of the Ages into one book, which has proven to be a best seller for many, many years. Many other works were done by him, and he is known as one of the forefathers of the New Thought, and Modern thought movements. His works are cited abundantly in the book, “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne.